Facial expression is probably the oldest form of human communication, I’m sure we understood each other through our faces long before we ever uttered words. I was first drawn in by the intricate layers of Seths work then by the utter simplicity of the message- portraits expressing raw emotion captured in thick black lines, smudges and tears.  I was haunted by the images and his process. The way he lifted color by using tape to remove, and at times even erase what he created previously, contributing to the many layers upon layers. This is the magic of his art- translating each persons story clearly without words., right there in black and white

It reminded me of my own process, and I drew similarities to my own experience. The act of placing and designing flowers unbeknownst until a single line of thought comes into mind, where does the next flower go, how will it lay, how will it grow or change over hours or days or weeks. I work through constantly editing- a flurry of adding then a gradual removal, I’ve always looked for ways to remove, in a way contributing to ENTROPY

ENTROPY of time always moves forward, non-reversible. Just as we age, an element we work with ages. Steel, stone, wood, flowers, all will grow old, without effort or energy, even relationships will change.ENTROPY is all around us.

I find extreme beauty in the disorder. 

For the FLORAL INSTALLATION: Entrophy of Time

I used aged bamboo poles and placed them randomly, some are hung with out thought, some were left to sway, and some were left untouched after they were brought into the space.

I hung 1 bamboo horizontally to capture the low entropy nature of order,

I selected flowers that were dried, altered with color, forcefully changed, and let the flowers sit, 

For the INTERACTIVE ART: Entropy inRelationships

I curated 3 songs to represent Past, present and future and have been downloaded to MP3.

I placed to 2 chairs in the middle of the installation facing each other.

My intention is to have the viewers pick an undisclosed song and listen to the music while looking at each other.

Entropy is created at this particular moment, they just don’t know it.